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tv   Headline News  RT  May 1, 2013 2:00am-2:29am EDT

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one. dollar give occasion to yourself to simply stream quality enjoy your favorite if you're away from television and just invest a lot with all devices you can watch or see anytime anywhere. pat stand ready for syria america repairs arms shipments for the rebels their sources say while chemical scare is seized rock obama threatening us with military richard you should. israel adds
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a new submarine to its sleeve believed to be capable of firing atomic missiles this at a time of original outrage over the country's refusal to sign up to a nuclear nonproliferation treaty. and the rest failed to stop muslim vigilantes from trying to impose their rules on londoners with even religious leaders fearing they'll tarnish the image of us. this is r.t. coming to live from the russian capital i'm marina joshie welcome to the program. american military hardware may soon and up and rebel hands on the frontlines of the conflict in syria according to white house official a source speaking on condition of anonymity said washington is preparing to send weaponry in response to opposition requests or surface to air missiles and
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anti-tank rockets speaking to reporters president barack obama himself hinted at military action if allegations of chemical warfare in syria are confirmed. listen to what the president had to say. the only option that he gave was a scenario in which he said if the u.s. finds out that the syrian government has used chemical weapons against the rebels then obama strongly indicated that the u.s. would consider military intervention but he did not address what would happen if it was in fact the rebels or members of the opposition that have used chemical weapons throughout this ongoing conflict but at this point barack obama says that u.s. intelligence officials don't know who has used chemical weapons inside of syria how they were used or whether they were used the u.s. cannot confirm if it was in fact a mascot who's used the weapons now obama said that his administration doesn't have
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a chain of custody that establishes exactly what has happened in syria and in the meantime damascus and the opposition have repeatedly accused one another of using chemical weapons on tuesday syria's ambassador to the u.n. allege that terrorist groups fighting alongside the rebels had used chemical material during an attack near the city of lip and attempted to a claim that incident on the syrian government in the meantime the united nations says damascus has so far refused to allow a team of experts inside the country to investigate the use of chemical weapons but syrian officials say they would like a detailed list of what u.n. officials would be probing before entering the country but the u.s. president has not indicated if the opposition in syria would suffer any consequences if it is found out that they are the ones that used chemical weapons now speaking to r.t. former libertarian party presidential candidate gary johnson pointed to terrible
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cost of past interventions as reason enough not to get involved in syria. let's get all the information and after we've gotten all the information let's look at our military interventions in the past i suggest to you that there is not a military intervention in my life that has been warranted and hasn't resulted in consequences that. are unpredictable from the start these milla to our military interventions have resulted in hundreds of millions of enemies to this country but but for military interventions i don't think would otherwise exist you said seventy thousand people have been killed when you look at our past military interventions our military interventions resulted in another hundred thousand losing their lives but somehow that's justified because it's on the side of good it's on the side of the united states and i'm being facetious being facetious our military interventions don't end up improving these situations
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now the u.s. may not be alone eyeing a possible role in the syrian war lebanese islam has been lost as it could provide arms support for the government there after two days of terrorist bombings in damascus that have left scores dead and that's still coming out. and after eighty four days of the guantanamo bay hunger strike barack obama reacts to once again attempt to shut down the detention camp saying goes against the american way. israel will soon get its fifth dolphin class submarine believed to be capable of launching cruise missiles with nuclear warheads the country's defense ministry has announced the move comes and spite of tel aviv's decades long policy of remaining silent as alleged nuclear weapons that confirmed arsenal is assumed to be behind egypt's whop lot of decision to pull out from nuclear nonproliferation talks in
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geneva more and that from artie's policy or. carlos says it is withdrawing from a second week of the nonproliferation treaty talks in geneva in protest against what it is mourning the failure to implement a one thousand nine hundred five resolution for a middle east free of nuclear weapons now the cairo argument is an implicit reference to israel that has never either confirmed or denied having nuclear arms and it is also not a signatory to the north in the for recent treaty arab states and iran say that israel's presumed nuclear arsenal poses a threat to peace in the middle east as well as security in a statement by the egyptian foreign ministry its it was pulling out of the talks to quote send a strong message of non acceptance of the continued lack of seriousness in dealing with the establishment of a nuclear free zone in the middle east karo went on to say that it cannot continue waiting forever for the implementation of this with solution now the egyptians are
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calling on member states and internationally to be able sponsibility again quoting implementing legitimate international resolutions the argument however from the israeli side as well as the american side is that a nuclear arms own in the middle east chemically a reality until there is ward arab israeli peace plan in place and iran could see its nuclear program meeting currently underway in geneva is aimed at nearing progress in implementing the nine hundred seventy nonproliferation treaty which is designed to prevent the spread of nuclear arms across the world and we spoke to british member of parliament jeremy corbyn who's also vice chairman of the campaign for nuclear disarmament he says that a nuclear free middle east will remain elusive unless washington and brussels pressure israel to stop its atomic activities. well israel depends very heavily on trade with the european union and military aid from the united states we need action urgently by those two key players in the situation to put the most
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enormous pressure on on israel either through sanctions or with drawing or lift or lifting the trade agreement which also has a human rights clause of the new israel we know has nuclear weapons and has the land based system to deliver them and could have a sea based system any country in the region that has a nuclear power system turkey egypt saudi arabia or could develop their own nuclear weapons if they wish to clearly the danger now is very nuclear arms race in the middle east with all the terrible consequences that that could bring about if ever they should be used some powers are in no hurry to stop israel's alleged nuclear program as they encouraged it from the outset as ramsey rode out here of palestine chronicle dot com. if israel was going to listen they would have listened decades ago but again this rose dealing with the situation there is i would say an
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international conspiracy to allow israel to continue with this quest for nuclear armaments if it were not for western countries supports now germany but also britain originally france the united states even israel would have not been able to acquire such massive destructive capabilities of some us to bits with the two hundred nuclear warheads but others say a about four hundred if not even more there's absolutely no need for israel to develop enough weapons to destroy the middle east several times over in the name of security you can't be achieving security at the expense of world peace. and play ten years since washington declared victory and iraq what followed was a devastating and hugely expensive war with consequences that both countries are still struggling to deal with yet washington's to assess the whole venture was a success. record unemployment collapsing confidence and
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a raging death crisis but brossel says brier times are a hand for you are predicting long why growth next year shortly and we hear from experts what's behind his optimism. so-called muslim patrols are again active in london with vigilantes trying to impose islamic ideals on the local population and one all arrests may have tampered the activist zeal they continued to promote their views and some of which are quite radical. muslim leaders fear their actions could discredit the whole community as artists are first now reports. but that isn't misunderstood on taste find someplace cereal or an unsuspecting members of the public first hit the headlines there was an outcry in person well since then some arrests have been made because r.t.d. stoned out self-titled most of the patrols are still in operation oh cool themselves the shari'a project. they make a point of differentiating themselves from the more hardline muslim patrol his
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video is cool such anger everything with scenes like this we almost. got to read our work. longer a little bit calmer and really focus on. this patrol they say that whilst they share many of the same keys as the other patrols they've never employed the same course of tactics. from the back. i mean looking at those patrols i can say that is commendable that have come out and actually decided to take some kind of action against you know these things taking place in. their actual actions and i think we still have. to be thinking obviously there is always a better way to do things my approach as a muslim is to. rather if i see into an action
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a perhaps more appropriate always advise me to say what is better than many in the mainstream islam community these patrols are close to concerned with if it is ensuring widespread media coverage many muslim leaders have condemned their actions is wrong and i'm representing. these individuals a fringe minority you know they don't represent the muslim community there's two point seven million muslims in the case and they you know they would never. condone this type of behavior the greeks were very clear to us that they have peaceful intentions. some of the members are alleged to be involved with the more extreme patrols while members served three and a half years in prison on charges of terrorist fund raising and fighting terrorism a vis the us and it didn't take him long to take his mo hardline he's known they fight it all the man can go to hell i believe so because i believe those who disbelieve in the oneness of god did find this vision to be the end point anyway
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and those laws that they felt would go with them would for how to roll back so into the empire i have no respect for visual whatsoever i asked the leader of the sharia project whether he was concerned by statements like that i think you know if you take it from the passive approach that i don't think you fix the country and these are great but you were doing no shouting and protesting your food before you started for to sheree and richard i think that you something don't really catch the thief and field day to day with and many base amongst the muslim and the white british community there are worries not just about these actions but about the potential repercussions the relatively small minority could have on a much larger scale so. london. well the leader of house block has hinted that the lebanon based militant group could intervene in the syrian conflict on the side of the government this comes after two massive car
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blasts in the space of two days in central damascus claiming the lives of at least twenty people the latest ripped through a bustling square near a former interior ministry building on his attack targeted the syrian prime minister who survived but one of his bodyguards was killed karl shero a blogger on the middle east saying serious political opposition has failed to distance itself from the extremist rebels that are terrorizing the population you know that is a modern responsibility and syrian opposition leader represents. you know the other factions on the ground in syria then it should take this most of it just went for so. those are just ideas to try to distance itself from it's not just happen mr which hasn't done so far i think to this kind of confusion so i fear you won or lost to the west and the u.s. in particular kind of the there's of the a syrian opposition the broad i've not really been clear enough not they connect condemned car bombings and similar
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actions clearly and kind of distance themselves from the groups that are likely to behind be behind some of them. why after the break americans face soul searching or the cost of the iraq war status.
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well. i've the going down of the song and good morning we will remember that we will. welcome back you're watching our t. live from moscow a week of may have across iraq has seen over two hundred people killed a man more injured in the worst violence since the end of the u.s. occupation this comes exactly ten years after george bush declared america's victory over saddam hussein that message is still washington's official line despite the unrelenting bloodshed and that he's going to take our reports mannie americans feel history is repeating itself. major combat operations in iraq have
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ended in the battle of iraq the united states and our allies have prevailed president george w. bush delivered the message on may the first two thousand and three a declaration of success followed by years of bloody war when bush made that speech i was in the military and public affairs that was the stated mission you know liberation and freedom for iraqis and it didn't seem to me like that that's happening because there was all this violence that was her actuated by our presence for years after this speech as many americans and the whole world saw iraq as a heart monitor washington decided to send in twenty thousand more that surge cost the u.s. the lives of more than a thousand soldiers and many billions of dollars of taxpayers' money on his deathbed of the iraq war veteran thomas young wrote a letter to george w. bush and dick cheney. was. both. born
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there while lying in the church of american politics sometimes even doubting success can be perceived as blasphemous that's been true for the rack surge even today will you correct or incorrect when you said that the search would be the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since vietnam where you are correct or incorrect by right or no my reference to the survey and seeing what is going under hegel the question is were you right or wrong my answer is i'll defer that judgment to history i think history has already made a judgment about the searcher and you're on the wrong side of it chuck hagel is reference to vietnam was not uncalled for years into the vietnam war even as most americans saw the involvement there is a mistake thousands of u.s. troops continue to die because washington didn't want to admit it someone has to die or so that president nixon won't be and these are his words the first president
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to lose a war supporters of president bush say history will treat him more kindly regarding iraq but the history that is being lived by iraqis today is one that has neither peace nor security in a country ripped apart by terror six tarion violence and fears of a looming civil war in washington i'm going to shock them. horrific scenes at bagram military base in afghanistan a u.s. cargo plane twisting air before hitting the ground and a massive fireball killing all seven american crew members to go torture to come for the full video. protesters raged through the libyan capital demanding that lawmakers ounce for members of colonel gadhafi regime from power and stop any more from taking government posts god the details of our website. cyprus has officially become the latest euro zone nation to be bailed out having approved a cash lifeline from brussels. albeit one with harsh conditions attached that
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happened as the e.u. released new unemployment figures revealing that joblessness in march was at an all time high this by bad news across the block the european commission is actually predicting growth for the monetary union next year but some experts say that's on realistic probably what the european commission is about predicting economic growth forecast and you could probably run on the back of a postage stamp to be honest with you i think that there's a very good prospect of the european will be growing at any point in the future what i would say is that. even if you level the playing field at the moment you took away all the day all the problems in europe physics it's extremely difficult to see how it would grow going forward because in order to compete with the chinese and the indians and the canadians and the struggle against what europe needs is to be regulated small kids and to cut the bureaucracy and the red tape and the on elected officials that basically run it what europe is in fact doing at the moment
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is the exact opposite it hasn't even begun to tackle its problems yet in fact while i would argue is it's actually doing exactly the wrong thing in european vision has been falling apart for years but unfortunately people who run europe have still got that vision and i still hell bent on pursuing that vision. you know i think that too arrogant to start to have doubts at this stage and you know that is very very worrying for europe going forward as well. u.s. president barack obama has finally broken his silence over the ongoing hunger strike at the guantanamo bay prison renewing calls to shut down the facility he called the camp quote a problem that is only going to fester this statement came after extra medical staff arrived at the prison to treat at least one hundred inmates or refusing food and stone from the household and coalition to stop the war thanks washington is just trying to reduce its reputational damage. i think the u.s. authorities are in damage control mode now because they know that with every
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prisoner who dies in guantanamo bay the negative attention of the world is going to be focused. and the shame that has brought upon the united states of america unfortunately. the crimes that have been can. they are still being committed in guantanamo bay by the united states will not go away and the the attention of the world to negative attention is focused on these crimes now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world in canada almost three billion dollars worth of terrorism funding can be found according to the official in charge of the nation's finances that's part of thirteen billion dollars put aside for and a terror operations between two thousand and one and two thousand and nine jadavpur general said in his spring reports that the money is missing only that information where it was banned can be found he also called for greater control over financial
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records on government spending. thousands friends rallied in berlin to protest against a resurgence of media non-system in the country the demonstrators marched through parts of the german capital where many far right radicals are believed to live about five hundred police officers a sport of the procession which remained relatively peaceful only one person was arrested. the world renowned theater in st petersburg has an illustrious history and it's now branched out landing its name to completely new venue mariinsky theatre to as it's called is a state of the arts concert hall opening on thursday night a series of star performances reports. this much loved venue is launching its new ad most ambitious project yet money in skiffy attitude. taking ten yes reach premie and i'd although it's not come cheap at some seven hundred thirty million dollars but what audiences will get is
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a seventy nine thousand square building and to accommodate today's most demanding productions on my car grand aging sister every one of the two thousand people in la he insists he had to choose auditorium will be able to see every inch of the stage no blind spots even on the roof and out stressful m.p.p. at the end terrace over the keys and petersburg theater bosses are clear that it's the next generation of audiences in this. world where ever. we have a very nice face. every corner of the marines competed to touches your i and i wanted to find out a little bit more about how the aki tech as a were able to combine both the old mighty and ski together with this contemporary invitee and very vibrant space. the people of the city are seriously protective of
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what's built here jack diamond is the architect to who had to step in to complete the much contested theater especially making it fit in with st petersburg iconic historic skyline the building is paying attention to the streets going from petersburg modest as a foil to the old building and to the rest of the architecture but once you get inside well the cathedral is the holy of holies for religion that's the holy of holies for music an opera gordon says the classic hallmarks of the eighteenth and nineteenth century opera houses of a whole shoes shape three balconies a tried and trusted designed to carry both grand scale and quiet intimacy that as a twenty first century twist smart walls so that even the father spectator catches even the coitus knights who started on the montage of mice to get you to want to
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see hunter plus an opera house not a compromise hundred percent of the hours to begin with the opening night of gone the second of may kicks off three days of launch performances in the words of the a to stick direct to himself the programs the inaugural festival with chosen to demonstrate the extraordinary range of the company and the new theater space reflecting both the history of the matter you ski and the theatres engagement with today's audiences and with all phases of contemporary oprah ballet and of kestrel music. to bomb would say our team. and up next here in our t. prime interest artie's new financial show. good
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afternoon or welcome to the very first edition of prime interest i'm perry and boring here in washington d.c. and here's the stories that we're keeping track of today. i have a good news america the treasury is in the green but only temporary the government
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said on monday that it would pay down thirty five billion dollars of its trillions of debt this quarter or this we can think higher than expected tax receipts but don't hold your breath because the treasury expects to plunge back into the red next quarter to the tune of two hundred twenty three billion dollars and that's with the fed buying about sixty percent of that amount don't worry though because bernanke says it's not monetization we'll talk about deficits and the debt crisis with peter schiff in a bit and one hundred years ago woodrow wilson to sign the federal reserve act with four gold and ten square being i'm drawing on the gold reserves but yesterday representative kevin brady called for evaluation of the fed he said when the house isn't on fire we want to discuss you know what role the fire department said play with this would you shut down the quantitative easing firehose that's spraying eighty five billion dollars in cash per month we'll have to see if this proposal
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can pick up steam when bernie replacement is announced a later this year. and to mark another milestone as been one hundred days since the president's second term and a press conference this morning he warned of serious probable use of chemical weapons while cautioning that more evidence must be gathered before taking action he did warn that the regime has crossed the red line we'll take a look into the fine print of military spending in a special segment today.


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